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Saturday 17 October 2020

How to Future Proof Your Career

Job loss doesn’t only cause problems from an income perspective. This major change can also seep into other areas of life with harmful impacts. When it comes to mental wellness, job loss is ranked alongside divorce and the death of loved ones as a top detriment to mental health.

This year’s record unemployment has caused tens of millions of Americans to search for new jobs amidst the pandemic, and working parents to choose between prioritizing their income and educating their children. If you’ve experienced the woes of unemployment previously, or are experiencing them now, I understand how difficult this process can be.

Of course, no one could predict the events of this year (so far), but what we can do is prepare for the future. The last thing anyone looking for a job wants to do is repeat the process by having their situation and life uprooted again. While the unemployment market does appear difficult, some industries are still growing.

Virtual call centers have experienced skyrocketing demand for additional support for clients ranging from government organizations to Fortune 500 companies, all within the last few months. The benefits of working as a virtual call center agent are plenty, ensuring that this position is able to stand the test of time, and even the test of 2020.

Below are the top five key identifiers that make this work a “future-proof” opportunity.

Remote/Virtual Work

Rule number one, and probably the most obvious, is that you have the ability to work remotely. Some companies and organizations did have this option in place prior to the pandemic, but social distancing orders have made a virtual workplace a non-negotiable. Remote work provides freedom and flexibility, but it also gives you back time. The rat race is a race no more. With remote work, your commute is just a few steps away and your car’s gas tank is probably thanking you for it.

Flexible Scheduling

If this year has shown us anything, it is that life is full of unexpected changes. For the days that unforeseen circumstances throw a wrench in your life, flexibility in your work schedule will allow you to give your attention to what deserves it most. Being able to choose your own schedule gives you complete control, enabling you to collaboratively live and work, not work to live.

This year has dramatically impacted the lives of working parents, and the idea of flexible scheduling has transitioned from a “nice-to-have” to a “must-have.” I’ve spoken to working mothers that schedule their shifts to align with their children’s nap times, school, etc., and this position still allows them to be close by at all times while earning an income from the safety of their home.


Having autonomy over your work-life allows you to build your entrepreneurial spirit. Studies have shown that there is a wide gap in happiness between business owners and employees, and this is largely attributed to the greater autonomy that entrepreneurs experience when compared to those in employee positions. Independence in work allows you to be fully engaged, leading to higher job satisfaction and overall health. As a virtual call center agent, you get to experience the benefits of being your own boss – that means making your own schedule and taking your future into your own hands.


Virtual call center agents have the opportunity to branch out and explore different industries. The soft skills that are key to be a customer care agent easily translate into a wide variety of areas. Since virtual agents aren’t limited to geographical location, there tend to be a greater number of opportunities available. As an added bonus, because there will always be customers, there will always be customer questions and the demand will never diminish.


Equality in the workplace has been receiving more of the attention it deserves in recent months, whether it be racial equity, disability and accessibility rights, or gendered stereotypes. Working parents have also raised concerns about discrimination recently as schools remain closed, requiring them to add “teacher” to their resumes.

A virtual call center is naturally diverse and provides no gaps for stereotyping or discrimination to take place. Whether you need flexibility as a caretaker, or you’re unable to leave your home, a virtual opportunity provides the solution.

Working through a break in employment is difficult, to say the least, but there are opportunities out there for those seeking flexible, remote opportunities that provide freedom, stability, and peace-of-mind. Identifying what is important to you in your next position will help ensure your security for the future.

Guest Author Greg Hanover was named CEO of Liveops Inc. in 2017 after 10 years with the company in senior leadership roles. Liveops is a leader and pioneer in the virtual call center space, with a distributed workforce of over 20,000 domestic home-based agents. Before Liveops, Hanover was with West Corporation in a client services capacity. Prior to his leadership roles in the contact center space, Hanover held senior-level positions in the sports and entertainment industry. Hanover has extensive customer service expertise in the retail, financial services, healthcare industries, and holds an MBA and B.S. Degree in Marketing from Canisius College.

from Career Tool Belt


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