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Saturday 3 July 2021

What You Need to Work From Home

Companies in select industries, such as information, finance, and communication now have a high proportion of employees working from home since last 2020. Even professionals from education, science, and real estate are also choosing a remote setup.

While working from home has so many perks, it comes with drawbacks too. For businesses, it often takes a toll on productivity.

For employees, the struggle is creating an environment that gives them the ability to focus and handle deep work.

Work-From-Home Must-Haves

To stay productive and motivated, it’s important to have a dedicated area in your home for remote work. It doesn’t have to be a home office. It can be just a small corner, as long as you have the work-from-home essentials, it’ll be just fine.

If it’s your first time transitioning to working remotely, check out these must-haves to set up your work area:


Since you’re most likely spending five to eight hours a day glued to your desk, invest in a desk that you like.

Standing desks are very much popular these days and are perfect for remote workers who are worried about the health effects of prolonged sitting.

When selecting a desk, consider your needs. Do you require multiple screens, an external keyboard, or some other devices? If yes, you want a desk with a wider surface area. If you work with just your laptop most of the time, you’re better off with a smaller table.

Consider adding open shelving for books, arts, and decorative items, and closed cabinets for files, documents, and things better kept out of sight.

A Proper System

Needless to say, you need a reliable computer to work efficiently at home. Whether you prefer using a desktop or a laptop, invest in a system that meets your work requirements.

Always check the specs of your computer to see if it needs upgrading. If your system hardware is slowing you down, it can significantly affect your productivity and work quality. Plus, a slow computer can cause a lot of stress too.

Aside from reliable hardware, you should also invest in tools that can help you at work. These can include time trackers, organizational apps, online reminders, and some task-specific apps.

A Good Chair

You definitely need to invest in a high-quality ergonomic chair. The right chair can provide you comfort, which makes working from home so much better.

Home office chairs come in so many styles and designs. However, you should pay attention to factors like adjustability, seat size, lumbar support, backrest, movement, and stability.

Lastly, look for a chair that is built with heavy-duty materials. Ergonomic chairs are significant investments. Find something that will give you many years of comfort.

Good Lighting

Whenever possible, look for an area in your home where you can get a dose of natural light, such as a few windows nearby. Sunlight is good for productivity as it enhances your mood and gives you more energy.

You should also create task lighting. Choose a well-defined light source for computer work, paperwork, and other focus-incentive tasks.

Lighting can create a comfortable, cozy environment that helps counter the daily stresses at work. However, it’s not enough. Of course, the room’s ambiance matters a lot too. Pay attention to colors and textures in your in-home office. Consider using light and soft carpets and rugs to add a sense of space and comfort.

Accessible Gadgets

Your workstation should perfectly house all your gadgets. Whether you’ve set your station up in your bedroom or living room, it pays to ensure that the tools and gadgets needed for work are accessible.

That said, consider an organized space for your gadgets, such as your earbuds, headphones, speakers, phones, chargers, and power banks.

Without a proper place to place or store them, these devices can look cluttered on your desk.

Organizational Tips

Once you’ve set up your work area, it pays to know some useful tips and hacks to stay productive while working from home.

Set regular working hours.

It can be tempting to work anytime you want when you’re at home. But it isn’t healthy and it won’t help you achieve work-life balance. Having clear guidelines for when to work and rest is the best way to stay productive when working remotely.

Create a morning routine.

Spend an hour or two in the morning doing something that energizes you, such as working out, preparing a healthy breakfast, or walking your dog. A morning routine can be more powerful than a clock in getting you started each day.

Schedule breaks.

Breaks are important so you don’t feel burned out while working. However, if you overdo them, your productivity gets compromised.

Different strategies work for different people. Some like to take frequent yet short breaks just to beat sedentary work and get their blood circulating. Other people like to take longer breaks after a long task. Find your sweet spot.

Set a target.

It’s hard to stay motivated without a target. Before you start work (or the night before), list down the tasks you aim to accomplish. It’s so fulfilling to know that you manage to complete them just right on time.

Maintain a separate phone number.

Set up a phone number that you only use for communicating with your colleagues and bosses. It greatly helps you manage your work-life balance.

from Career Tool Belt