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Tuesday 3 August 2021

Is Working From Home Right for You?

During the past year there is a big chance you had to adjust your work model and start working from home. But with many companies slowly returning to the office, you might have to consider if working from home is still right for you.

Having no commute, saving money on food, and being more productive are some of the benefits of working from home. But working remotely also has its downsides. Here are some pros and cons to consider before committing to remote work:


1. Spend Less on Food

Costs can quickly add up when eating out for lunch with your coworkers from the office. If you don’t pack a lunch often, you may lose track of how much you are spending on food every month. When working at home, you have extra time and energy to cook a homemade meal for your lunch break.

2. Save Gas Money

Did you know that the average commute to work can range from 5 to 13 miles each way? That leads to many trips to get gas. Commute expenses can accumulate over time, and working from home will save you up to $5,000 a year

3. Increased Productivity

From spending more time with family and loved ones, to saving energy from the commuting to work, many have enjoyed their extra time at home. During this past year 65% of workers reported feeling more productive due to working from home. 


1. Costs to Start

It can be a struggle to create an environment that helps you focus on your work. To help with productivity, you will most likely need to have a good set up. Getting a new desk, chair, and an extra monitor can be costly, when starting your own home office.

2. Can be lonely

Communicating through the internet can be a struggle for some, and having to talk to your peers through video calls and chats can be even more challenging. On top of that, loneliness was reported to be the biggest struggle of working remotely, since workers miss having face-to-face conversations with their coworkers.

3. Distractions at Home

Although you may have more peace and quiet when working from the comfort of your home, it can lead to distractions. Many workers have children, pets or other things that can interrupt their deep focus when working from home. 

In Mint’s infographic below, you can find a flowchart to help you decide if working from home is right for you, as well as more pros and cons of remote work: 


Pros and Cons of Working From Home

from Career Tool Belt


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