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Saturday 12 March 2022

Free Interview Practice Tools

When you start a job search, it’s a good idea to get ready to interview—even before you’ve been selected to meet with a company. A successful interview will be essential for you to lock in a job offer, and this is your chance to impress the interviewer enough to get a second interview or even an offer.

Taking some time to prepare will help you avoid interview stress, especially if you’re asked to interview on short notice. Having interview clothes ready to wear, your technology in order for phone and video interviews, an idea of how you’ll respond to questions, and some questions ready to ask the interviewer, will help make the experience easier.

Practice Answering Interview Questions

One of the best ways to practice for an interview is to spend some time reviewing (and answering) frequently asked interview questions. You’ll be more comfortable responding when you know what you’re going to say.

Free Online Interview Practice Tools

There are free online tools that you can use to help practice answering questions. Here’s a selection of free interview practice tools to try:

LinkedIn Interview Prep
If you’re a LinkedIn member, the site’s interview preparation tools will help you ace the most common interview questions. You can practice and record your answers and get instant feedback. There are also sample answers and tips for giving the best response.

Free Virtual Interview Preparation
If you’re a student or make under $40,000 a year, you can sign up for a free mock interview. You’ll get live feedback on your interviewing skills. 

Candorful: Transitioning Military
Candorful offers free interview coaching to veterans, transitioning military personnel, and military spouses. Get started by scheduling a call to set up a personalized coaching plan.

Glassdoor Company Interview Questions
You can get a heads up on the competition by learning about the questions that the company you’re interviewing with typically asks. In addition, you can get examples of questions for the job you’re applying for by using Glassdoor’s interview questions tool.

Pramp users can sign up for free to practice live interviews with peers. The site is geared toward programming and tech interviews. Interview coaching and mock interviews from experts at leading companies are available for a fee.

AssessmentDay Free Practice Video Interview Zone
If you want to know what you look like on camera, you can record and playback your answers to interview questions.

Zoom Practice Meeting
There’s more to successful interviewing than answering questions. It’s always a good idea to test your computer settings, make sure your background is appropriate, and your appearance is professional. Sign in to Zoom’s practice meeting for a trial run to ensure everything is set.

Tip: If you’re a college student or graduate, check with your career services office. Many offer access to interview preparation tools, as well as personal assistance.

Tips to Prepare for an Interview

Job Interview Questions, Answers and Tips to Prepare
Review this list of common job interview questions, with examples of the best answers about you, your experience and qualifications, your goals, the new job, salary, and what you have to offer the employer.

Job Interview Tips That Will Help You Get Hired
The key to successful interviewing is to show the interviewer how you’re a match for the job and the company. These quick tips will help you nail the interview and showcase the skills and experience that make you the ideal candidate for the company’s next new employee.

from Career Tool Belt


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