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Monday 14 November 2022

5 Work-at-Home Jobs for Parents

Parents have always struggled with returning to work after having kids. Some people can’t put in the same amount of time they did before they became parents, and others simply don’t want to be away from their kids for that long each day. There are more ways than ever to earn money from home.

Here are five jobs that will allow you to schedule your work around your family’s needs, and not the other way around. 

1. Turn Your Hobby Into a Business 

Do you have something you love to do in your spare time? Are you a baker, crafter, or designer?  Maybe your friends tell you, “You’re great at that! You should start a business!” Well, now is the time to make it happen. Local farmers’ markets, vendor shows, and craft shows can help you get your name and products out into the community. A Facebook Business page is a great alternative to a website, if you’re just starting out and don’t know how to build or maintain one. And of course, there’s good old Etsy, which can help you reach far beyond your local customer pool.

2. Transcription

If you’re a grammar snob and a fast typer, transcription could be the job for you. There are several websites that offer transcription jobs, each with varying pay rates. Check out, TranscribeMe, and Each site has its own testing protocols and set of grammar rules, so be sure to read all the starting documents carefully. A lot of jobs are first come, first served, so this is a good gig for someone who is online a lot and able to check the websites often. Some sites, such as TranscribeMe, have options for higher-paying jobs the more experience you get.

3. Writing

You may not think of yourself as a writer, but did you do any writing for your previous job? Have you ever kept a blog? Do you have education or experience in writing or communications? Then try content writing. Gather up any writing samples you have and make a portfolio for future employers. Set up accounts on content agencies like Upwork and WriterAccess, and check out writing boards like Problogger to look for gigs. Also, search Facebook and Twitter for writing groups that help connect writers to jobs. The more experience you get, the more you can add to your portfolio, and the more competitive you’ll become. 

4. Tutoring/Music Lessons

Tutoring is a great way to turn your knowledge of a particular subject into an income. Tutors can start small with little to no overhead, allowing them to keep the majority of their profits. First, figure out the subjects you’d like to teach. Perhaps you’re a grammar fanatic and want to make some extra money to go along with that transcription work. Maybe you’re a wiz with equations or a guitar prodigy. Then, decide which age groups you want to teach and what the demand is in your area for the subjects you can offer. Next, find out how much your competitors are charging. Last, get the word out through social media and parent groups.

5. Web Design

Do you have experience with web design from a previous job? Maybe you helped create or maintain your old company’s website. You could turn this into a freelance career. There are several businesses out there that need someone to design and maintain their websites so they don’t have to. Develop a portfolio by working on your own projects or by helping a friend (say, a baker, crafter, or tutor) develop a website for their business.

Once you have a solid portfolio, you can start applying for jobs. If web design sounds interesting to you, but you don’t have any experience, there are online courses from sites like and to help you get familiar with the technology. Then you can figure out if it’s a career you want to pursue.

Being there for our kids is important–but so is providing for them financially. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to earn money from home. And by taking something you enjoy and turning into a career, you might just have a little fun while you’re at it.

from Career Tool Belt


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