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Monday 27 February 2023

Get Job Search Help at Your Public Library

Most people probably don’t think of going to the library when they are starting a job search, but it’s a good place to get personal assistance and to access online (and print, of course) resources that will help your job hunt go smoothly.

In addition to providing job search and career-related books, public libraries offer many other resources for job seekers. Libraries are a good resource for unemployed workers and job and career changers, especially for those who can use the hands-on help. If you don’t have your own resources, such as a laptop or printer, you can use the library’s systems to work on your job search materials.

How the Library Can Help Your Job Search

To find out how your library can help, visit the library’s website. You’ll find information on library online and in-person resources, programs, classes, workshops, tools, and events that can help you with your job search.

Many public libraries offer free computer training courses, including classes on how to use your computer and software programs, basic computer and laptop skills, setting up and using email, using Google, blogging, file storage, internet safety, and other computer and internet classes.

Even though these classes aren’t specifically focused on job searching, they will help you learn how to use your computer and the internet effectively and efficiently.

At some libraries, you’ll also find career-focused classes that will help you write a resume and cover letter, effectively search for and apply for jobs, gain interview skills, and learn how to use career networking to get hired.

Computers and Wi-Fi

When you don’t have access to a computer or Wi-Fi, most libraries have computers available for patrons to use. You may be able to reserve time to use the computer or they may be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

You can use library computers to check and send email (get a free Gmail email account), write resumes and letters, and apply for jobs (save a copy of your resume and cover letters online using Google Docs).

Printers are available so you can print copies of your resume, cover letters, and references.

Libraries also offer free Wi-Fi that you can connect to with your laptop, tablet, or phone.

Tip: Use Google’s tools to assist with your job search. You’ll be able to do just about everything you need to find a new job for free.

Career Coaching

Some libraries, especially larger ones, offer career coaching services. For example, the New York Public Library offers free support (virtual and in-person), including career coaching, resume and cover letter writing, job application help, assistance with applying for unemployment, interview preparation, and career development events.

Job Search Workshops

Job search workshops provide hands-on assistance with your job search and may include advice on online job searching, resume and cover letter writing, how to apply for jobs, and how to network.

Job Clubs

Job clubs are designed to provide job seekers with job search help, support, and advice. Check to see if your library offers a formal job club moderated by a career expert or meeting space for an informal job club you can join. Meetings are typically held on a weekly basis, and you’ll learn all the steps you need to take to job hunt successfully.

Career Transitions

Career Transitions is an online job search and career exploration tool that job seekers can access for free through local public libraries. Call the library or check your local library’s website to see if they provide access to Career Transitions.

English Language and Literacy Classes

When English isn’t your first language, it can make your job search even more of a challenge. Your library may be able to help with ESL classes, workshops, and practice sessions.

For English-speaking job seekers who need help to improve their reading and writing skills, literacy classes or one-on-one tutoring may be available.

Stress Relief

Job searching can be really stressful, and you may be able to find some stress relief at the library. Some libraries offer meditation workshops, yoga classes, wellness programs, and other health and fitness classes.

At the least, you’ll have a quiet location where you can work on your job search and tap into free resources that will enhance your ability to get hired.

from Career Tool Belt


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