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Saturday 1 April 2023

How To Avoid Text Message From Your Boss Scams

As technology continues to advance, scammers are finding new ways to target unsuspecting victims. One such scam that has become increasingly prevalent is the text message from your boss scam. In this scam, the victim receives a text message that appears to be from their boss, asking them to perform a task or transfer money. However, the message is actually from a scammer posing as the victim's boss. Here are some tips on how to avoid falling victim to this scam:

1. Verify the message

If you receive a text message from your boss asking you to do something, take a moment to verify that the message is actually from your boss. Call or email your boss directly to confirm that they sent the message before taking any action.

2. Look for red flags

Scammers often use tactics to make their messages seem urgent or important. Look for red flags such as messages that demand immediate action or threaten negative consequences if you don't comply. Be cautious of any message that seems out of the ordinary or unexpected.

3. Check the phone number

Scammers often use spoofed phone numbers to make it appear as though the message is coming from a trusted source. Check the phone number to see if it matches the number you have on file for your boss or their company.

4. Don't share personal information

Scammers may ask for personal information such as your bank account number or social security number. Never share personal information over text message, especially if the message seems suspicious.

5. Educate yourself

Stay up-to-date on the latest scams and tactics used by scammers. The more you know about how scammers operate, the better equipped you will be to recognize and avoid their scams.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from falling victim to the text message from your boss scam. Remember to always be cautious and verify any message that seems suspicious before taking action.

If you do fall victim to a text message from your boss scam, it's important to act quickly to minimize the damage. Here are some steps you should take:

1. Contact your bank

If you've transferred money to the scammer, contact your bank as soon as possible to try to stop the transfer. Your bank may also be able to help you recover the funds.

2. Change your passwords

If you've shared any personal information or login credentials with the scammer, change your passwords immediately. This will help prevent the scammer from accessing your accounts.

3. Report the scam

Report the scam to your employer, the Federal Trade Commission, and any other relevant authorities. This can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.

4. Educate others

Share your experience with others to help raise awareness about the text message from your boss scam. This can help prevent others from falling victim to the same scam.

Remember that scammers are constantly coming up with new tactics and methods to target unsuspecting victims. By staying vigilant and following these tips, you can help protect yourself and your finances from scammers.


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