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Thursday 20 July 2023

What To Do If You’re Fired Without Notice

Losing a job can be a difficult experience, especially if you’re fired without notice. The sudden loss of income can be catastrophic, and the uncertainty about the future can be overwhelming. But it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Many individuals have been fired without notice at least once in their professional lives. If it makes you feel a little better, please know that it’s not just you.

Unfortunately, it seems like it’s happening more frequently than in the past. The reason may have nothing to do with you or your skills, abilities, or qualifications to do the job. It can have everything to do with the company, its performance, and its policies. So, it’s important to try not to take it personally.

How To Handle Being Fired Without Notice

The good news is that there are steps you can take to ease the transition and move forward. You may be eligible for severance pay and unemployment benefits to help you financially, and there are steps you can take to get your job search on a fast track to getting hired quickly.

Review advice on what to do if you get fired without notice, including legal and financial issues, and how to fast-track a job search and get hired.

Legal Issues 

In most states in the U.S., employment is “at-will,” meaning that an employer may terminate an employee at any time and for any reason, as long as it’s not discriminatory or illegal. If you are covered by employment at will, your employer may be able to fire you without a warning or notice.

However, if you have an employment contract or are covered by a collective bargaining agreement or relevant federal, state, or local laws, you may have protection from being terminated without notice. 

WARN Act Protections

There are exceptions to employment at will, such as the WARN Act, which mandates employers who lay off more than 100 people to give notice 60 days before the layoff. 

Some states and cities have mini-warn acts that protect employees from unannounced layoffs. Check with your state department of labor for information on what laws apply to your situation.

Wrongful Termination

Other federal and state laws protect employees who have been discriminated against or otherwise wrongfully terminated. Reasons a termination can be considered wrongful include:

  • Discrimination
  • Violation of a federal or state labor law
  • You refused to participate in harassment
  • Being asked to conduct an illegal act or safety violation
  • Your employer did not follow its termination policy


Employment Contracts and Bargaining Agreements

If you have an employment contract or are covered by a collective bargaining agreement stipulating when and how much notice employers must give before firing an employee, the contract terms should apply. There may be exceptions if someone is fired for gross misconduct or another serious violation of company policy.

If your company has violated the contract’s provisions, you may be able to take legal action or get assistance from the department of labor.

Severance Pay

Your company pay offer you severance pay, but you can’t count on it. Severance pay is typically given to employees who are let go through no fault of their own, such as during a downsizing or restructuring. However, severance pay is not guaranteed

If you receive severance pay, the amount you receive will depend on several factors, including the length of your employment and your salary. Typically, severance pay is given in a lump sum and is designed to help tide you over until you find your next job.

Getting Paid and Employee Benefits

Most employers have policies for terminating employees, including the amount of money they must pay and the benefits you’re entitled to as a departing employee. 

Ensure you thoroughly read your employee handbook, consult with your HR representative, and double-check your paycheck and benefits when you receive them.

Filing for Unemployment

If you are fired without notice, you may be eligible to apply for unemployment insurance. Eligibility varies from state to state, so it’s important to check your state’s guidelines carefully. 

Tips for Getting Hired Again

In today’s competitive job market, it can be challenging to get a new job, especially after being fired without notice. However, there are ways you can increase your chances of getting hired. 

You can network with people in your industry through social media and professional associations. You can also enhance your resume by highlighting your skills and accomplishments and tailoring your application to each specific job you apply to.

Fast Track Your Job Search

Once you’ve figured out your finances as best you can, focus on your job search. 

What to Say During Job Interviews

It’s understandable to be nervous about job interviews after being fired from your previous job. The best strategy is to be honest, but don’t dwell on the details. Instead, focus on what you learned from the experience, how you’ve grown from it, and how you’re committed to doing better in the future.

Tip: Prepare in advance to answer the interview question “Why were you fired?” so you’re comfortable responding.

The Bottom Line

Getting fired without notice can be scary and frustrating, but staying calm and taking action to move forward is important. By understanding the legal and financial aspects of getting fired, filing for unemployment, and strategically positioning yourself for a job search, you can confidently move forward and land a new job. 

It may not be easy, but with the right mindset and some effort, you can turn the experience into an opportunity for growth and positive change.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can an employer terminate an employee without any reason or notice?

A: Depending on the employment contract and federal and state law, employers may not be required to provide notice or a reason for termination. However, they must follow the applicable labor laws and the terms of an employment contract if you have one.

Q: Do I have any legal rights if I am terminated without notice?

A: Yes, employees terminated without notice usually have rights, such as receiving unpaid wages, any owed vacation pay, severance pay (if applicable), and access to unemployment benefits, depending on local laws.

Q: Can I challenge the termination if I believe it was unjust?

A: If you feel the termination was unjust, you may have the right to challenge it through legal means, such as filing a complaint with the federal or state department of labor or seeking legal counsel to assess the situation.

Q: Can I request a written explanation for the termination?

A: Yes, you can request a written explanation for the termination, especially if you believe it was unfair or unjustified.

Q: Can I request a reference from my former employer despite being terminated without notice?

A: You can request a reference from your former employer, but they are not obligated to provide one. It’s advisable to ask for a reference from someone you had a positive working relationship with, such as a supervisor or colleague.

Q: What should I do immediately after being terminated without notice?

A: After being terminated without notice, you should gather any personal belongings from your workplace, understand your rights, and consider your options for future employment.

Q: Can I negotiate a notice period or severance pay with my employer?

A: In some cases, negotiation may be possible, especially if you have a valid reason to believe the termination was wrongful. Consulting with a lawyer may be helpful in this situation.

The information in this article is not legal advice nor a substitute for such advice. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your own state’s laws or the most recent changes to the law.

The post What To Do If You’re Fired Without Notice appeared first on Career Tool Belt.

from Career Tool Belt


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