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Thursday 18 August 2022

Starting a New Job: Checklist for Success

Giving a good first impression on the first day at your job it’s a great way to show what they can expect from you. But deciding what to wear and what to bring can be nerve wrecking. If you don’t know where to start, and want to prepare quickly, here are some tips for starting a new job

Familiarize yourself with the commute 

Decide how you will be getting to work and if you are driving make sure to take into account the time it will take for you to get there. If you are taking public transportation or even walking, make sure to familiarize yourself with the route and leave a few minutes early in case of delays.

Get enough sleep

To wake up feeling fresh in the morning, it’s important to rest well the night before. Avoid alcohol or any mind-altering substances and set up an alarm for a time that you will be able to get enough sleep as well as have enough time to get ready.

Plan your outfit

Try to take a few minutes the day before to pick an outfit and have it ready for the next morning. It’s also a good idea to prepare what snacks and lunch you will be bringing, and have them packed and ready to go. 

Make a checklist

If you can, talk to your supervisor and check if you need to bring any documents or anything else for your first day. Also make sure to pack a water bottle and a sweater, as well as a charger and toiletries. To make it easy for you, you can download and print out this checklist of how to prepare for your first day. 

Prepare for your first week 

You will most likely spend a big chunk of your first week setting up your accounts, meeting people and familiarizing yourself with the company. But staying organized and setting goals for your week can be a great way to start your job and give a great first impression. You can create a schedule for your week, have lunch with co-workers or talk to your supervisor and see what is expected from you. 

Tip: Review these do’s and don’ts for starting a new job to be sure you make the best impression.

If you want to learn more about how you can prepare for starting at your new job, check out Mint’s infographic below.

Infographic courtesy Intuit Mint.

from Career Tool Belt


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