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Thursday 19 January 2023

6 Actionable Steps To Land a Job After Graduation

Millions of students are graduating high school and college while unemployment levels are at a record high. How do you stand out from the masses and improve your chances of landing an interview?

6 Tips for Landing a Post-Graduation Job

Here are six tips to improve your chances of landing a job post-graduation:

1. Be specific with your goal.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a job seeker is casting too wide of a net. Do not be afraid to niche! Because today’s employers want specialists, most job seekers benefit from targeting a specific company type and a specific position title

  • Before: I am seeking a marketing job.
  • After: I am seeking a social media coordinator role at a FinTech company in Silicon Valley.

2. Create a strategy.

Before jumping into your job search, begin with a strategy. Outline the steps you need to take to conduct your job search. This may look like:

  • Selecting your target companies and positions (aim for 30-40).
  • Carefully crafting your career documents (cover letter, resume, and LinkedIn; depending on your field, you may also want to create a portfolio of work examples).
  • Intentionally building a powerful network (reach out to five people per day in your target position at your target companies).

3. Market your new degree.

As you write your cover letter, craft your resume, update your LinkedIn, and build your network, be sure you are marketing your new degree. You just spent 4, 5, or 6+ years earning your degree, do not shy away from showing it off.

Most students and recent graduates only list their university and degree name on their resume. This is a missed opportunity to display what sets you apart from other job seekers! Be sure to provide ample details beyond just degree. You can share impactful coursework, highlight relevant coursework, and include transferable extracurricular activities.

4. Brand yourself beyond a student.

You are so much more than your education and your degree. As a job seeker, you want to brand yourself as a professional professional, rather than a professional student. Showcase your professional work experience, internships, and volunteer roles to further differentiate yourself from the competition.

Additionally, if there is a gap in your career chronology, it may behoove you to format your education as a position. Your employer is your university and your position is “[Major] Student.”

5. Find mentors in your field.

You do not have to navigate your job search, career, or life alone. Mentors are available to help you reflect on your biggest decisions and provide you the motivation you need to succeed. In the words of Oprah Winfrey, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”

Where do you find mentors? LinkedIn is one of my favorite places to find mentors because you can use the Current Company field to find people who work at your target company.

Mentors and informational interviews are beneficial for your career because of what can come from them:

  • Advice on your application, job search, or career
  • Introductions to recruiters and hiring managers
  • An internal referral

Do not be afraid to reach out to your dream mentors and invite them to an informational interview.

6. Invest in coaches.

While mentors are a fantastic opportunity to advance in your professional development, consider investing in a professional career coach. Coaches are trusted sounding boards and help you see inside yourself. They can also help you cut through your limiting beliefs and achieve what you never imagined possible.

Like other service-based providers, one of the best ways to find a coach is to ask for referrals. Ask your colleagues, family, and friends who they turn to for support and guidance.

Your competition is going to be stiff with millions graduating in the coming weeks and unemployment at an all-time high. Following these steps will boost your chances of landing a job post-graduation. You’ve got this!

from Career Tool Belt


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