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Friday 24 March 2023

How To Get the Best References

When it comes to job searching, having strong references can make all the difference in securing a job offer. Here are some tips on how to get the best references:

Choose the right people: 

Your references should be individuals who know you well and can speak to your skills, work ethic, and character. This could include former bosses, colleagues, professors, or mentors.

Ask for permission: 

Before using someone as a reference, ask for their permission and make sure they're comfortable speaking on your behalf.

Prepare your references:

 Give your references a heads up before you use them in your job search. Provide them with a copy of your resume and the job description so they know what to focus on when speaking with potential employers.

Provide context: 

If there's a specific aspect of the job you're applying for that you want your reference to highlight, make sure to provide them with context so they know what to emphasize.

Keep in touch: Stay in touch with your references even if you're not currently job searching. This will help you maintain your professional network and ensure that your references are up-to-date on your skills and experience.

Say thank you: 

After using someone as a reference, be sure to thank them for their time and support. Gratitude goes a long way in maintaining strong relationships.

Ask for feedback: 

If you didn't get the job offer, ask your references for feedback on how you can improve your job search. This can help you make adjustments and increase your chances of success in the future.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you have strong references who can help you land your next job offer.

Be specific: 

When choosing references, be specific about the types of jobs you're applying for and the skills you want them to highlight. This will help them provide more targeted and relevant feedback to potential employers.

Keep it professional: 

Your references should be individuals who can speak to your professional abilities and character. Avoid using family members or friends as references, as they may not be viewed as credible by potential employers.

Provide a variety of references: 

It's a good idea to have a mix of professional references from different parts of your career, such as a former boss, a coworker, and a professor. This shows that you have a diverse range of skills and experiences.

Follow up: 

After using someone as a reference, follow up with them to let them know the outcome of your job search. This keeps the lines of communication open and helps you maintain your professional network.

Use LinkedIn: 

LinkedIn is a great way to showcase your professional network and highlight your skills and experience. Be sure to ask your connections for recommendations and endorsements, which can serve as strong references for potential employers.

Thank your references:

 Be sure to thank your references for their time and support, regardless of whether or not you get the job offer. This helps maintain strong professional relationships and ensure that your references will be willing to help you in the future.

By following these additional tips, you can ensure that you have the best possible references to help you land your next job offer.


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