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Thursday 23 March 2023

Top 20 Things To Do When You Lose Your Job

Losing your job can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. However, it's important to stay positive and take action to move forward. Here are 20 things you can do when you lose your job:

Take a deep breath: 

Losing your job can be a shock, and it's important to give yourself time to process your emotions and take care of yourself.

File for unemployment benefits: 

Check your eligibility for unemployment benefits and file your claim as soon as possible.

Review your finances: 

Take a close look at your finances and create a budget to help you stay afloat while you search for a new job.

Update your resume: 

Update your resume with your most recent experience and achievements.

Update your LinkedIn profile: 

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and reflects your current experience and skills.

Network: Reach out to friends, family, and colleagues to let them know you're looking for a new job. Attend networking events and job fairs to connect with potential employers.

Consider freelancing or consulting: 

Freelancing or consulting can help you earn income while you search for a new job.

Learn new skills: 

Consider taking classes or online courses to learn new skills that can make you a more competitive job candidate.


Volunteering can help you gain new skills and experience, and can also help you make new connections.

Create a job search plan: Create a job search plan that includes daily tasks like searching for job openings and networking with potential employers.

Research companies: Research companies you're interested in working for and reach out to them directly to express your interest.

Customize your cover letter: Customize your cover letter for each job you apply for to show how your skills and experience match the job requirements.

Practice interviewing: Practice interviewing with friends or family to help you feel more confident and prepared for job interviews.

Be flexible: Be open to new job opportunities, including part-time or temporary work.

Take care of your mental health: Losing your job can take a toll on your mental health. Take time for self-care and consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

Stay positive: Staying positive and focused on your job search can help you stay motivated and increase your chances of finding a new job.

Attend career counseling: Consider attending career counseling to help you identify your strengths and career goals.

Reach out to former colleagues: Reach out to former colleagues or managers for job leads or references.

Keep track of job applications: Keep track of the jobs you've applied for and follow up with employers if you don't hear back within a few weeks.

Celebrate small victories: Celebrate small victories, like getting an interview or receiving a job offer, to help you stay motivated and positive during your job search.

Remember, losing your job doesn't define your worth or your future. With time, effort, and a positive attitude, you can find a new job and move forward in your career.


How long should I wait before starting my job search after losing my job?

It's important to give yourself time to process your emotions and take care of yourself before starting your job search. However, you shouldn't wait too long as it can become more difficult to explain a long gap in your employment history to potential employers. Aim to start your job search within a few weeks of losing your job.

How do I explain my job loss to potential employers during interviews?

Be honest and straightforward when explaining your job loss to potential employers. Explain the circumstances surrounding your departure in a professional and positive manner. Avoid bad-mouthing your former employer or colleagues.

Can I negotiate my severance package?

Yes, you can negotiate your severance package. Consider hiring a lawyer or seeking advice from a professional organization to help you negotiate a fair package.

How do I stay motivated during my job search?

Staying motivated during your job search can be challenging, but it's important to stay positive and focus on your goals. Create a job search plan, take care of your mental health, and celebrate small victories along the way.

Should I apply for jobs that aren't in my field of expertise?

It's okay to apply for jobs that aren't in your field of expertise, especially if you're looking for temporary or part-time work to supplement your income. However, focus your job search on roles that align with your skills and experience for the best chance of success.


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