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Wednesday 15 March 2023

Things Not To Do When You’re Job Searching

Doing the wrong things while you are job searching can jeopardize your chances of landing your dream job.  In addition, job search mistakes can impact your standing with your current employer if you’re not careful.

Review these tips for how to conduct your job search in a way that will help you get hired without impacting your current job.

What Not to Do When You’re Job Searching

Tell your co-workers that you are in job hunting mode. Even trusted colleagues will be tempted to divulge this information. Word may travel to supervisors and cause them to question your commitment to your current position. Here are tips for keeping your job search confidential.

Use your work computer to generate documents, search for job listings or conduct networking outreach. Contrary to what many workers believe, there is no guarantee of privacy when you use company equipment. Many employers monitor communications and will be upset if you are devoting work time or resources to your search.

Make changes to your LinkedIn profile without deactivating the activity broadcast function within the system. Changes in your profile can alert contacts in your company that you are anticipating a job change.

Have an unprofessional email address or voicemail message. Save the funky expressions for forums that will not be visible to employers.

Forget to limit public access to your Facebook page or any other social media platform, particularly if the sites contain any unprofessional representations. If you have a personal website, make sure you wouldn’t mind having employers view it.

Rely solely on job listings to generate leads. Networking has been proven to be the most effective job search method. However, use caution when networking, you don’t want word to get back to your employer that you are actively job searching until you are ready.

Reduce your activity with professional organizations because you are busy with your search. Maintaining a high profile with contacts in your field is one of the best ways to network. Continue to attend seminars and conferences. Present or participate in panels and help to organize programs whenever possible.

Stop at the obvious contacts when networking. Sure, you will want to reach out to your best friend who works in your industry. However, your cousin who works in a lowly job in an unrelated field might have a close friend who could be of tremendous help to you.

Use generic application materials. Target your cover letter and resume to the job for which you’re applying to make the best case for your candidacy. Demonstrate that you have a strong interest in the opportunity by taking the time to tailor your documents. Here’s how to write a targeted cover letter and a resume that will get your application noticed.

Furnish application materials with spelling or grammatical errors. Spellcheck and carefully proofread all your documents or employers may conclude that you are not attentive to detail.

View only the first couple of pages of job listings. Dig deeper, and you can find some gems. Check out these tips for using advanced search options to quickly find more jobs that are a good match.

Use only a job board. Contact your alma mater’s career office/alumni offices and professional organizations in your field. Go directly to the websites of employers of interest and access job listings there.

Take an unusual amount of single days off, especially without providing advance notice. Your attendance pattern can send a signal to your employer that something is up. Try to schedule interviews after work, on weekends, or with advance notice. 

Show up for an interview late. Employers want responsible and punctual employees. Plan your travel carefully and leave extra time for unanticipated delays. 

Neglect to send a follow-up communication as soon as possible after your interview. You can send the wrong message if you delay or miss the opportunity to follow up before a decision has been made about your candidacy. 

Forget to check if you have any contacts at the company. Having an internal advocate can help you gain visibility with an employer and ensure that you are given careful consideration as an applicant.

Rush to assemble a roster of references at the last minute. Take the time to select your references carefully and evaluate their willingness to vouch for your credentials. Double check to make sure that all the references you get are going to be good ones.


from Career Tool Belt


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